Truffle Long Weekend Part 1

The truffle dogs just love the work that they do indicating where I can dig up fresh truffle. As a reward throughout the year I have been freezing various left over meats. For finding truffle the dogs now have a reward of: chicken, sausages, liver, beef steak, pork and tongue which they love. Some of it we have dried the rest is frozen. But both Fahren and Tawdiffu will sell their truffle find for a delicious treat.

The dish above was found yesterday and Tawdiffu preferred the liver treats and was so anxious to get to them that she wanted to dig the truffle faster to ensure the treats were forthcoming. Hence one of the largest truffles that she found (around 300 grams) had a couple of claw marks in it.Now she is back on a leash so that her enthusiasm does not get the better of her.

This weekend is a long weekend in Australia and our public truffle hunt events commence on Saturday and continue each weekend till the close of the truffle season in early September. All of our events feature truffle tasting in some way.

This years luncheon menu features as a first course: Tomato bisque with truffled coconut foam and rosemary croutons. While having your lunch you may also wish to have a glass of Macenmist’s homemade gluhwein to accompany it.

Then its onto the main course which has two truffle features:the first being the couscous which is coated in truffled butter and the second treasure is the Perigueux sauce —which is to die for!!

Then when you think that you have no more room in your stomach you are offered dessert. YES — you managed to squeeze room because it looks truffle delicious and it tastes delicious as well. You are served “truffled cheesecake on chocolate blancmange with cubes of rhubarb gel and cream drizzle.

For the love of truffle and its flavour we endure adverse climatic conditions and venture out in snow, sleet, light rain and hopefully sunny days just to harvest these beauties.

They may seem excessively expensive but if used correctly, your dollar goes a long way.

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