Macenmist’s working dogs
Macenmist is the property name and also a registered breed prefix. Our first litter of Border Collies was registered in 1995. Not all our dogs worked but they all loved the farm.
Sadly, as time went on our Borders passed but we needed to design labels for our wines, so it was decided that some of the Macenmist Border Collies would individually feature on each variety produced. Macenmist Silken Socks (Scoobie) is the Shiraz; and Macenmist Stirling Storm (Pebbles) is the Cabernet Sauvignon.

Truffling Lagottos
Macenmist’s Truffle dogs are pure breed Lagotto Romagnolos, which are the original truffle dogs and famous for their truffle hunting skills. The Lagotto is one of the earliest known pure breeds and is the forebear of a number of today’s dog breeds.
Our current Lagottos are Ch Amicileale Emilia Cesena (Tawdiffu) and Amicileale Uncover Th Treasure (SongLu).
Tawdiffu, (prounced Toryufu) is our second truffle dog born on 13 June in 2015 and arrived at Macenmist just in time to learn how to find truffles alongside her mentor Fahren. Our latest edition SongLu is still learning the trade and watches the other truffle dogs closely. For those out there in the know all our Lagottos have the same name if said in English. Yes! they are all called “Truffle”. Tartufo is Italian, Toryufu is Japanese and SongLu is Chinese. Wonder what number fours name will be? Will there be a number four?