Category Archives: property

Black Truffles and the Macenmist name

Guests to the farm often ask why truffles and the name “Macenmist”. How did it [...]

Truffles and how it all came about…..

Outside the village of Bredbo in New South Wales Barbara and Richard Hill together with [...]

The Truffle shed “MONEY FRAME”

  Featured in the truffle barn is an A1 frame showcasing various banknotes donated by [...]

Truffle mystery and the Truffle Hunt

Records indicate that truffles have been around since at least the third century BC whether [...]

Truffles: is bigger better?

Truffles are better ripe than large! Truffle dogs are trained to truffle hunt only for [...]

Bumper sized Hazelnuts!

Bumper sized hazelnuts in this year’s harvest At Macenmist we have three varieties of trees: Hazel, English [...]

Macenmist Truffiere road signage

A few years ago after much toing and froing Council erected a road sign indicating [...]

A misty start to the day

Woke to another busy day with the morning mist starting to roll in. When you [...]